The Wala Yarka program, which means “Water children” in Yorta Yorta language, operates under section 18 of the Children, Youth, and Families Act 2005, which offers a new model of child protection practice that involves Aboriginal organisations working in partnership with Aboriginal families. The Wala Yarka program works with Aboriginal children and young people on Child Protection orders, with a holistic wraparound approach to strengthening and empowering families.
The Case Support Worker will embrace and promote Njernda’s vision for empowering our Aboriginal community and the organisations values:
Establishing relationships based on respect and trust.
Encouraging cultural and spiritual growth to enable personal growth.
Cultural Sensitivity
Welcoming and serving our community with understanding and without judgement.
Working to transform the disadvantaged and challenge the causes that impact on our community.
Taking ownership and initiative of Njernda values to ensure trusted collaborations are formed.
The Wala Yarka program (pre-authorisation phase) commenced in October 2019 where the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing commenced transferring statutory responsibility of Aboriginal children on child protection orders to Njernda Aboriginal Corporation. This means that all decision making in relation to the care, case planning and case management of the child or young person could now be made at the community level (through the CEO of the ACCO). During the pre-authorisation phase this is guided by the support and partnership of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH).
Practice within the Wala Yarka program is guided by the Children Youth and Families Act 2005 which includes best interests’ principles and Aboriginal policies such as the Aboriginal Child Placement Principles. A goal of the Njernda Aboriginal Corporation is to be a leader in the care and protection of children and young people and in working with families and communities to build capacity, resilience, and independence.
The Case support worker will support the Wala Yarka program with a wide range of Case support and administration and related activities.
The Case support role is an entry level position and has potential to progress to other roles within the Wala Yarka program as learning and experience is gained.
Key responsibilities include;
This position description is intended to convey information essential to understanding the scope of the role. It is not an exhaustive list of duties; other tasks may be assigned as deemed necessary by the program leadership.
Applicants must possess:
Required Education, Experience, and Competencies
Personal Qualities:
Highly preferred:
Written applications should include:
All applicants must address the Key Selection Criteria and include a recent resume
Address your application marked: “Private & Confidential” to:
HR Manager
Njernda Aboriginal Corporation
307 High St, Echuca Vic 3564
PO Box 201, Echuca Vic 3564
Please check the closing date to ensure your application is received within the specified time. Applications may be posted, emailed or hand delivered.
All applications close: 22nd Jul 2023