The Aboriginal Child Protection Diversion Trials (CP Diversion Project) will trial innovative, early interventions approaches to divert Aboriginal families away from the child protection system and into culturally safe supports. The trial will test the proposition that by having an Aboriginal organisation leading investigation and decision making at the early stages of a family’s involvement with child protection outcomes for children and families will be improved.
Njernda has chosen to trial and test the theory that families making decisions through an Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making meeting earlier then required by statue will improve the overall care of Aboriginal Children. This is a 12-month pilot and could lead to significant changes in the way we involve families in decision making.
In the trial, Child Protection will make direct referrals to Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making (AFLDM) immediately following the first home visit during the investigation phase. It is expected that this will result in meetings that are culturally safe, lead to increase family engagement in and understanding of the process and the joint development of a plan with the family to keep children safe at home and to avoid further involvement of Child Protection.
This position will run in conjunction with our existing ALFDM convenor position and will support this position in addition to the trial work.
Position scope– The 12-month Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making Convenor (AFLDM Diversion Program) positions is responsible for the delivery of the trial at Njernda which will include implementation and 12 months formal trial period and wrap up.
The Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making Convenor position is based on traditional family values where the responsibility for bringing up children is shared by parents together with extended family and Community and guided by the wisdom and experience of Elders.
AFLDM will encourage family members, extended family, Elders, significant others in the child’s life and where appropriate the child and/or young person, to meet and make decisions about the safety and wellbeing of children and/or young people who are involved in the Child Protection system.
AFLDM is a process that enhances but does not replace the family’s roles and abilities in developing their own decisions about their children in their own cultural way. The commitment of families and individuals to AFLDM will stem from having an active role in identifying concerns, solutions, and responsibilities in achieving safety for the child.
Organisational Values
Key Responsibilities
Key Selection Criteria
Applicants must possess:
The successful applicant will possess:
Desirable: Experience or formal qualifications in Social Work, Family Support or Family Welfare.
Other relevant information
The successful applicant will be required to undergo satisfactory pre-employment checks, including providing at least two professional referees, completion of a medical declaration, Police Records Check, Working with Children Check, Victorian Driver’s License, and proof of identify and qualifications
Commitment to equal opportunity and occupational health and safety
principles and practices are required
You will need to disclose any pre-existing illness or injury you know about which could be affected by the described work duties. Under section 82 (7) of the Accident Compensation Act, failure to disclose such a pre-existing illness or injury will mean that, if employed, you will not be paid compensation for that condition.
Written applications should include a covering letter. Please include the names and telephone contacts of at least two referees.
To be eligible for an interview applicant MUST address the Key Selection Criteria and include a recent resume
Address your application marked: “Private & Confidential”
To: Corporate Services Manager
Njernda Aboriginal Corporation
P.O. Box 21 Echuca Vic 3564
All applications close: 19th May 2021
Please check the closing date to ensure your application is received within the specified time. Applications may be posted, emailed, hand delivered or faxed (provided that a hard copy is posted on the same day).
Applications may be posted, emailed, hand delivered or faxed (provided that a hard copy is posted on the same day).
All applications close: 19th May 2021