The Wellbeing Unit is now in a separate building and came into being late in August. The Wellbeing Unit houses Mental Health Counsellors, Drug and Alcohol, Social and Emotional Wellbeing, Dual Diagnosis and Bringing Them Home workers and a short-term project worker.
The Wellbeing Team
Monday to Thursday 8.30 till 4.30 Friday 8.30 till 4.00
Dual Diagnosis Worker ~
The Dual Diagnosis Worker role is support Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander clients who have mental health and drug or alcohol problems. This could be by providing support to clients
Who are not yet ready to change, by encouraging harm minimisation behaviour .
To engage or remain engaged with the range of care givers that are part of their care team
To remain engaged with or to reengage with family and community.
Education and information about the range of services are available.
As this is intended to be intensive work the case load is limited to 10 clients
To access the Dual Diagnosis Worker clients can self-refer, GPs, AOD Counsellors and other health professionals can also refer.
If not already in place the Dual Diagnosis Worker will support clients to have their regular GP to undertake a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP)
Social and Emotional Well Being Worker ~ Gilbert Wanganeen
The Social & Emotional Well Being Worker delivers targeted mental health initiatives to the local Aboriginal Community.
To address the needs of families, children, carers and young people with life skills coaching and ongoing support
By developing partnerships with mental health, primary health and other community services.
Clients can self-refer, GPs, Councillors and the Courts can also refer.
If not already in place Gilbert will support clients to have their regular GP to undertake a MHCP
Drug and Alcohol Worker ~ Sharnni Cooper
The Drug and Alcohol Worker role is to support Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander clients with
Counselling and support in dealing with drug and alcohol issues
Referral to other service providers- Detox, Rehab or behavioural programs
Support in completing the paperwork to access Detox, Rehab or behavioural programs
To access the Drug and Alcohol Worker clients can self-refer, GPs, AOD Counsellors, other health professionals and the Courts can also refer.
If not already in place the Baymos and Sharnni will support clients to have their regular GP to undertake a Mental Health Care Plan
Bring Them Home Worker ~ Fay Halatanu
The bringing them home worker willfacilitate healing and improve the wellbeing of clients whohave been affected by past practices of forced removal
by providing support to
Find their family history
Access closed adoption files
Reconnect or return to traditional country
children in Out of Home care seeking to reconnect with their birth family.
To access the Bringing Them Home Worker clients can self refer, GPs, AOD counsellors and other Health Professionals can also refer.
Mental Health Nurse and Counsellor ~ Melissa Dillon
Monday- Women
Tuesday- Children and Families
Thursday- is a Generalist service.
The Mental Health Nurse and Counsellor will provide support to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanderclients using
Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS)
and Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBT)
and interpersonal therapies.
Each client / family can have up to 6 planned sessions and subject to review by the referring GP a further 6 sessions may be provided in any 12-month
Referrals are limited to GPs and must include a Mental Health Care Plan
Counsellor ~ Luke Ryan
The Counsellor will provide support to adult Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander clients using
Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS)
and Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBT)
and Interpersonal Therapies.
Each client / family can have up to 6 planned sessions and subject to review by the referring GP a further 6 sessions may be provided in any 12-month
Referrals are limited to GPs and must include a Mental Health Care Plan
For the delivery of confidential, culturally appropriate support for a range of mental health, drug and alcohol and stolen generation issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Your records are confidential documents. It is policy to maintain security of personal information at all times. This information is only available to authorized members of staff and/or other service providers, with clients permission.
Translating & Interpreter Service 1300 131450
Vic Complaints & Commissioner 1800 136066
Complaints and Grievances forms are available at medical reception